Friday, April 28, 2006


Wii, oui?

With oil going for $3.20, Mexicans organizing a national strike to attempt to prove how unresonable it would be to kick all of the Mexicans out of the United States, and President Bush's staff going through a shake-up, putting Tony Snow up in front of the press, all failing to end my blogging hiatus, what could posibly bring me out of my slumber and lead me back here, weak-fingered and blurry-eyed to add another obscure block of text to the collective clutter of the word wide web? Nintendo "Wii". Millions of dollars into R&D, thousands of minds across the world working as one, and that is the best Nintendo can do? "Revolution" was cool, it was catchy and sticky, and most people could pronounce it without having to refer to a side-note in whatever article they are reading. Why "Wii?" Does it mean something in Japanese? No. Is it appealing to consumers? Nope. Does it make any sense at all? Um, no. Nintendo's reasoning: it's pronounced "we", signifying how everybody can enjoy it. The two "i's" represent two people playing, as well as the shape of the "Wii's" controllers. Apparently Nintendo's collective creative genius reflects that of a six year old who is one or two crayolas short of a set of 12. The system looks to be nothing like we've ever seen. It's games are going to be more creative, more innovative, and more worthy of a plethora descriptive buzz words. It will be accessible to everyone and it actually looks like fun. But with such a daring concept, it seems a good name would be crucial in inspiring people to give it a chance. Such a name would have to be descriptive, embodying Nintendo's objectives with the new system, and challenging consumers to not get on board without feeling like they are excluding themselves from something completely groundbreaking. That's what "Revolution" did for it, before falling victim to a devastating think-tank. So now what do "wii" do with this horrible excuse for a name? Nintendo's VP of coporate affairs more or less says to just get used to it, because Nintendo doesn't care what you think. Six years old, going on seven.

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