Wednesday, April 20, 2005
The Golden Gate
I love San Fransisco. They just can't do anything right. Pop Quiz: You have roughly 6,000 homeless people in your city, and have $17 million to spend fixing the problem. With $28,333 dollars per homeless person, you'd think you could do something fairly practical. But not San Fransisco. While a place to live is a nice luxury, what the homeless in San Fransisco apparently really need is a state-of-the-art facility that boasts a full-sized gymnasium, library, playroom, hair salon, education center, and professional kitchen. I can understand education, a library, even a kitchen. I'm all for helping out the poor. But do they really need incentives to become homeless? I think my solution to the problem would be to get them out of San Fransisco. It's like the most expensive place in the world to live. If you give one of these guys a construction job in Lost Hills, CA, they'll be the richest guys on the block. They could afford a home, and a drug habit, and it wouldn't be costing the people of San Fransisco.
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Dude. 28k is more than my husband makes in a year. And he managed to not only live on that but make student loan payments before we were married. hell, if they wanted to just give me the cash, tax free, I'd contemplate quitting and being homeless too :)
Well, they aren't handing out the money in San Fransisco just yet, but you can get perks such as a free gym membership, a trendy derelict haircut, and all the crappy movies you could ever want to see.
Wonder if the environ mental ists allow construction in Lost Hills?
Maybe it would be better to set up an exchange program with Mexico. Our homeless for their laborers. At least that way we would get some work done instead of just throwing money into a hole...
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Maybe it would be better to set up an exchange program with Mexico. Our homeless for their laborers. At least that way we would get some work done instead of just throwing money into a hole...
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