Monday, November 29, 2004


Hang Up and Live

Well I'm back, and I don't even want to try to catch up, so I'm just going to jump right into the week headfirst, and assume that the weekend was as dull and uneventful as most weekends are. Nothing spectacular in the news today, the world isn't going up in smoke yet, and it's almost 2005, and we still haven't seen terrorists set off a nuke anywhere in the world. God help us if I'm speaking to soon. While we're on the subject of bombs, we might as well mention the little potential bomb we all own. In fact you may be talking on it right now, but probably not because you are reading an obscure blog located in my little corner of the internet, and it's hard to do both at the same time. Anyway, Cell Phones have been exploding in people's faces at an alarming rate lately. Well, actually, the rate is not that alarming, considering that it is "extraordinarily rare" from a statistical standpoint. But the point is that cell phones can explode. Now, I've had 9V batteries go off in my pocket before, and my Microsoft Intellipoint Mouse has exploded while I was using it. I had to send it in to get it replaced, and the one they gave me exploded twice, but it still works. It's actually the batteries that explode when they get overloaded, and apparently the same is true for the cell phones. Don't work your batteries to hard and you should be fine. However, I'm not an expert, so please don't take that as good advice based in any formal knowledge of anything. My point simply is... hang on... yep, Exploding Cell Phone Battery A.D.D.. I guess I won't be able to make my point after all. I'm gonna grab a slice of chocolate cake instead.

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