Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Racism 101

They have proved, apparently through vigorous scientific research that Republicans are racist. A new study shows that "supporters of President Bush and other conservatives had stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against blacks than liberals did." There you have it. In case you were doubtful, you have no reason to question this now. As Jon Krosnic, from Stanford University would tell you:

"If anyone in Washington is skeptical about these findings, they are in denial," he said. "We have 50 years of evidence that racial prejudice predicts voting. Republicans are supported by whites with prejudice against blacks. If people say, 'This takes me aback,' they are ignoring a huge volume of research."

That's right. The Republican Party which was formed to abolish slavery, and accounted for only about half of the political support for the civil rights movement has a long history of hating black people. If they could only learn to be "colorblind" like leading southern Democrats such as Robert Byrd, then we could have a more open and honest society. Unfortunately for blacks in America, the Republicans control the House and the Senate, and George Bush is going to get a bump in the polls. This probably will result in more black people dying in New Orleans. In fact, a new poll released says 101% of racist Republicans support sabatoging the levees in New Orleans again, just to kill more black people. With data gathered from recent civilian wiretapping procedures, the White House puts that number closer to 105%. They tried to get an idea of support for this course of action from racist Democrats but there weren't any to be found. Apparently Democrats aren't racist. Or maybe some of them are... Take another look at this study. It says that "supporters of President Bush and other conservatives had stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against blacks than liberals did." It says nothing about having biases against white people. I bet if you looked at the polling data a little differently, you'd find that Democrats have stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against whites. Alot of black people seem to have negative attitudes against white people, and I'd guess that most of them are Democrats. Of course that still doesn't make them racist, because you can't be racist if you are part of a race yourself. At least that's what I've been told.